
Here, you’ll find up-to-date information about ENVIROPLUS as well as interesting articles about the fields of green technologies, energy, the environment etc.

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Current Topic

Innovative use of energy from wastewater

The energy from municipal and commercial wastewater in Austria currently goes largely unused into the sewer networks.

Other interesting topics

Sewage sludge - pollutant and important raw material reserve!

Sewage sludge - pollutant and important raw material reserve!

The treatment and utilization of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment are undergoing major changes, and the framework conditions are changing drastically.

Webinar „Energy from waste water- sustainable heating and cooling“

Webinar „Energy from waste water- sustainable heating and cooling“

One part of the joint event organised by Rabmer Greentech GmbH is the comprehensible presentation of the current applications.

Energy from waste water – renewable energy of the future

Energy from waste water – renewable energy of the future

Together with Rabmer Greentech GmbH at the Decarbcities Vienna 2020 event.

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